09/04/2023 events AltSU scientist published an article about a rare tentacled spider
08/10/2023 events Why AltSU biologists went on an expedition to the Pamirs at a height of 5,000 meters above sea level
07/10/2023 events Geographer from Altai State University Andrey Bondarovich took part in the conference dedicated to aspects of low-carbon development
07/02/2023 events On earth and in space: Altai State University environmental students learned to protect the forest during practical training
06/28/2023 events A new species of clearwing moths is named after a professor of Altai State University
06/23/2023 events Three Red Book falcons were released into the wild by scientists of Altai State University
05/15/2023 events Geographers of Altai State University discovered a serious degradation of glaciers in the Altai mountains
03/20/2023 events Photo report: the Red Data Book falcons of the nursery of rare birds of Altai State University "Altai Falcon" began laying eggs
03/07/2023 events Photo of fern spores by AltSU biologist Aleksey Vaganov was included into the calendar of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
03/01/2023 events Project of a young biologist of AltSU received funding from the fund of the President of the Russian Federation
02/28/2023 events Entomologists of Altai State University discovered a new family of insects, unique for the fauna of Siberia
01/27/2023 events Vice-Rector of AltSU Alexander Dunets commented on the number of postgraduate students at AltSU working under the Priority 2030 program and the projects they are involved in